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When Muhammad (sws) was sent with the religion of Islam

When Muhammad (sws) was sent with the religion of Islam

Allah the Creator Prophet Muhammad Divine Message
17/07/2024 32


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How Can We Prove There Is A God?

How Can We Prove There Is A God?

Site Team
04/01/2024 537


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  • Ruling on Usury (Riba)

    Site Team

    From an Islamic point of view, usury is a major social, religious and economic crime. It is one of the practices

    18/10/2015 9174
  • Belief in the Last Day

    knowing Allah

    Belief in the Last Day includes belief in the torment of the grave and its pleasures

    22/04/2010 11886
  • Allah is Most Forgiving

    Site Team

    Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah .

    04/04/2018 4102
  • Ruling on Abandoning Salaah

    Site Team

    The Islamic Ruling on abandoning Salah out of laziness or denial of its obligation with clarifying the difference between them.

    17/10/2015 8315


Knowing AllahIt's a beautiful day