Angels : Created to worship and obey God
Muslims believe in the existence of angels. In Islam there are six pillars of
07/02/2010 5496 -
The World of the Jinn _ part 2
Occult Activities of the Jinn Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component
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The World of the Jinn _ part 1
Throughout history man has always had a deep attraction for the supernatural
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The Inclusiveness of Islam : A Guidance Complete and Sufficient Forever
Thus, first, in reality, human nature actually does not change over time. Laws or guidance covering moral
07/02/2010 5271 -
The Inclusiveness of Islam : A Religion for All Humanity
Obedience to Prophet Muhammad a Must for All Before discussing how the laws of Islam are universal, it is
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The Inclusiveness of Islam : The Finality of Prophethood
What is meant here by “the inclusiveness of Islam” is that fact that Islam
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The Basis of Islam
The basis of the religion of Islam is the attestation to two phrases: (i) None is rightfully
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Belief in Divine Decree
The sixth and last article of Islamic faith is belief in divine decree which means that
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Belief in Life after Death
Everyone is scared of dying and rightly so. The uncertainty of what lies beyond is frightening. It may
07/02/2010 13537