Power comes from Him..
How can we not be totally devoted to Him and rely upon Him for the fulfillment of our desires and needs when we
15/06/2022 622 -
Al-Qawiyy (The All-Powerful)
O Lord, I have turned to You in repentance and submission, holding onto Your rope. I do not need any powerful
14/06/2022 2210 -
How should a Muslim extol his Lord?
We extol our Lord by extolling His names and attributes, and our extolment of Him should lie within our hearts in
13/06/2022 862 -
The key to relief:
If a disaster befalls you and life becomes so hard and distressful, say:“La ilāha illallāh Al-‘Azhīm Al-Halīm, la
12/06/2022 733 -
Whoever resorts to the Magnificent Lord is safe..
It is authentically reported that whenever the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) entered the
09/06/2022 592 -
Raise your hands!
Do not consider any matter as difficult for Him, regardless of how great or serious it may be. The Prophet (may A
08/06/2022 727 -
Al-‘Azhīm (The Magnificent)
Glory be to You, the Magnificent Lord!You give sovereignty to whom You will, bring poverty after opulence, lower
07/06/2022 719 -
Your share in this name..
{...And say: “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”}[Surat Taha: 114] When Allah Almighty grants someone knowledge,
06/06/2022 685 -
Our Lord keeps the knowledge of the unseen exclusively to Himself: {And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none
05/06/2022 699