At the doorstep..
When people find all doors closed and things become really hard and distressful, and they find no refuge among
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Al-Mujīb (The All-Responsive)
It gives us great hope to know that Allah Almighty hears our supplications and answers them. This indeed enlivens
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The reward of standing in need and in humble submission before our Lord..
As you know that Allah is Near you, and He watches over your secrets and innermost thoughts, hears your
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He is Near:
Do not raise your voice as you supplicate Him, for He is Near, hearing you.The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
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In Allah’s protection..
Allah Almighty is Near His pious servants. He encompasses them with His care and protection. He sends His mercy
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His nearness to His creation is of two types:
First: General nearness: He is Near everyone as He knows, watches over, observes, and encompasses all things. He
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Al-Qarīb (The Near)
Allah Almighty says:{When My slav es ask you concerning Me, I am inde ed ne ar. I respond to the call of the
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Your share in this name..
Our Lord is Beneficent and He loves beneficence and commands His servants to be beneficent
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The kindness of the Beneficent Lord..
Out of His beneficence, Allah Almighty facilitated for us the path to Him. He sent down His Shariah and made it
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