• Creation of the Universe

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    The descriptions of creation in the Qur’an are primarily messages from God, rather than factual or historical accounts. They are intended to stimulate the readers or listeners into contemplating the order and magnificence of the universe and thinking abou

    30/10/2019 14988
  • Knowing God

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    Islam teaches that what God’s Essence is or what He looks like should not be points of concern. Humans can relate to God through the ways in which He has chosen to be known and appreciated; namely, His Attributes as revealed in His Divine Words and His ob

    30/10/2019 2505
  • Impossibility of God’s Attributes

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    The belief in a supreme, unfathomable, invisible, or infinite being who is beyond man’s grasp constitutes atheism’s main argument against God’s existence.

    30/10/2019 2517
  • God’s Attributes According to Islam

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    God’s Names and Attributes are those qualities that give correct understanding of what God truly is. The Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, believed to be God’s final word, tells humanity what God is like and what He is not like.

    29/10/2019 3461
  • Non-Definition of the Word ‘God’ in atheism

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    Atheism, from the Greek word atheos (without God), is an attitude that denies or disbelieves in God’s existence; accordingly, no intelligent creator, no divine lawgiver, no ultimate judge of humanity’s actions, and nothing above or beyond this closed, nat

    29/10/2019 2618
  • Definition of God in Islam

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    GOD, by definition, is the only Sovereign, Self-Existing, non-created Being to whom everything else owes its existence and completely depends on for survival and power.

    29/10/2019 5425
Knowing AllahIt's a beautiful day