Following the Evidence Wherever It Leads
Following the Evidence Wherever It Leads Recent Scientific Discoveries Make the Case for a Designer God All the More Compelling.
03/11/2019 2239 -
Today vs. the Past
A fundamental rift occurred in the West in the relationship between science and religion after the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, in which he argued that all life is the product of purely un
03/11/2019 2622 -
Scientists’ Stance toward Religion
For most of history, up until the middle of the 19th century, science and religion were viewed as co-workers in the human quest for understanding, in which science served as an avenue to deeper faith in, and appreciation of, the Creator.
31/10/2019 2027 -
The Role of Science
Basically, science is about exploring and understanding the natural world through observation and experimentation.
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Kinesin...The Cell’s Postal System
The motor protein kinesin carries cellular cargo along roadways in cells, called microtubules. In a sense, it acts like a postman delivering parcels inside the cell.
31/10/2019 1972 -
The Staggering Complexity of a Living Cell
At the time of Darwin and his contemporaries, the cell appeared to be no more than a black spot under the simple light microscope, which was the first microscope to be used in the study of the cell. It consisted of a single, small, convex lens with 25-tim
31/10/2019 2622 -
Uncaused or self-caused universe
For atheists, the universe and all that it contains is the product of mere chance, shaped by mindless, undirected processes of nature without plan, purpose, or meaning; and, ultimately, it does not point to the hand of a Creator.
30/10/2019 2305