Idris Tawfiq, Catholic Priest, UK
“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them
18/02/2015 2344 -
Anselm Tormeeda, Priest and Christian Scholar, Spain
Great numbers of Christians embraced Islam during and soon after the Islamic conquests after the prophets
18/02/2015 2234 -
Three Tough Questions
Three Tough Questions There was a young man who went overseas to study for quite a long time. When
07/11/2013 4368 -
The Prophet, PBUH, and The Mother Bird
The Prophet, PBUH, and The Mother Bird A man once came to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be
07/10/2013 4625 -
A True Lover of Allah
A True Lover of Allah Hadhrat Zunnun Misri (rahmatullahi alayh) said: "I was informed of a
03/10/2013 5466 -
Patience Khabbaab ibn al-Aratt (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "We complained to the Messenger of
02/10/2013 3218 -
Why She Became Muslim
Why She Became Muslim Shaikh Khidir, a Khateeb in Toronto, narrated the following conversion
01/10/2013 3115 -
The Beautiful Story of Abu Ghayth
The Beautiful Story of Abu Ghayth From the signs of truthfulness is fear of Allah and asceticism in
30/09/2013 3261 -
Standing Firm In Salah
Standing Firm In Salah Four years after the Hijrah [emigration of the followers of Islam from
27/09/2013 2940