Where is the way?
Many people still search for the truth so as to be guided to the True God.Some rely upon the call of natural
10/12/2022 788 -
The conflict!
There is an permanent conflict between the truth and falsehood. Whoever is with Allah is indeed up on the clear
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Al-Haqq (The Truth) -Exalted be He
He has made His evidences clear to those who behold and think, and made His signs clear to the worlds. He has
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The Day of Presentation!
When the servants stand before their Lord on the Day of Judgment, He will hold them accountable as a Lord Who
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A fact:
The testimony and watchfulness of people is limited to certain times and would necessarily come to an end. People
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Al-Shahīd (The Witness) -Exalted be He
Praising His sublime Self by His Name "the Witness", Allah Almighty says:{Indeed Allah is Witness over all
03/12/2022 896 -
A Reminder!
In the Hereafter, there will be a tribunal in which rights will be returned to those to whom they are due. As
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For the safety of the road!
As the believer knows that Allah will hold him accountable for all his actions, great and small, that nothing
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This statement means:
O Lord, I resort to You, seek Your refuge and help against what I fear from, and rely upon You; indeed, You are
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Stick to it!
“Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs” is the key to relief and the door to
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He takes care of you during adversities!
If someone is intimidated by other than Allah, then says, “Allah is Sufficient for me,” He will save and support
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His sufficiency is:
1. General sufficiency that encompasses all creatures, as He brings them into existence, gives them their
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Al-Hasīb (The Ever-Reckoner)
Ja‘far al-Sādiq (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“I wonder how a person may ever be fearful and not flee to
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A whisper..
When Allah Almighty says:{...Fo r Allah is Ever - Watchful over you.}[Surat an - Nisā’: 1]And when He says:{...And
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The company of Allah:
The more one is heedful of Allah Almighty in his life, the more he enjoys Allah’s company.So, heed your Lord
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He has succeeded..
It is reported that a man came to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and said: “O
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Ar-Raqīb (The Ever-Watchful)
Ibn al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“If one reforms his inner self, the fragrance of his benevolence
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Our Lord is the All-Encompassing Whose mercy encompasses all creation. {...Your Lord is the possessor of infinite
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