The tears of the fearful..
When the believer remembers his great sins and numerous misdeeds, he feels so sad and his eyes begin to shed tears
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The deal is profitable..
Fearing poverty, a person may refrain from spending and it all goes back to the devil’s whispering to him that he
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The All-Encompassing Lord suffices you against your distress!
If we understand the meaning of Allah’s name “Al-Wāsi‘”, our fears will go away and be replaced with tranquility
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Al-Wāsi‘ (The All-Encompassing)
When the believers learn about Allah’s name “Al-Wāsi‘”, their hearts getattached to His remembrance and they long
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The way of the righteous..
The believer feels reassured for he knows that Allah is the Keeper and the Provider and that his sustenance is
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The pillars of self-sufficiency:
If man had a valley of gold, he would wish to have two valleys.Happiness does not lie in having abundant worldly
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Be thankful!
Indeed, the blessings of Allah Almighty are countless and numberless:{...If you try to count the blessings of
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Rest assured!
Do not be concerned about what Allah Almighty has guaranteed for you for He describes Himself as the Keeper and
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Al-Muqīt (The Keeper)
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have said: “Allah Almighty
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A Reminder..
He who gets attached to the Qur’an is given the glad tidings of being granted honor in this world and in the
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The criterion:
The criterion a ccording to which a person will be honored or humiliated on the Day of Judgment is
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He gives more than we wish..
Indeed, no request or supplication whatsoever is too great for Allah Almighty to grant and answer. He is the
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He does not need thanks..
Our Lord, Exalted be He, does not need our gratitude. Indeed, our thankf ulness does not benefit Him at all,
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He gives and then shows appreciation:
He gives faith and then appreciates it: {...but Allah guides whom He wills. Whatever wealth you spend in charity,
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Al-Karīm Al-Akram (The Generous -The Most Generous)
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have said:“I know the last
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The keyto hearts:
He who is thankful to Allah Almighty should also give thanks to those through whom Allah sends His blessings, most
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There are two forms of thankfulness:
1. By the tongue, which is praising the Bestower of favors. 2. By the body organs, which is using them in obeying
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The greatest recompense..
When Prophet Sulaymān (Solomon) (peace be upon him) slaughtered the horses in anger because they distracted him
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