What should I do to become a Muslim?
To embrace Islam, one should adhere to the six pillars of faith, as follows:
1. Belief in Allah Almighty, as the Creator, the All-Sustaining, and the Disposer of affairs, and the Absolute Sovereign, Who possesses sublime attributes, and there is none comparable to Him. He has no spouse or child, and He is the only one deserving of worship.
2. Acknowledging the existence of Angels as devout worshippers of Allah, created from light, with one of their responsibilities being the communication of divine revelations to the Prophets.
3. Belief in all Scriptures revealed by Allah to His Prophets, including the Torah, the Gospel, and the final message to humanity, the Holy Qur'an.
4. Belief in all the Prophets, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). These Prophets, as human beings, were supported by divine revelation, signs, and miracles to attest to their veracity.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment, a time when all individuals will be resurrected and judged by Allah. Believers will enter Paradise, while disbelievers will enter Hellfire.
6. Having faith in the Divine Decree, acknowledging that Allah possesses the knowledge of all past and future events. Allah, as the Creator of everything, has ordained, willed, and created everything and each occurrence.