The Perseverance and Care of Allah over His Prophet are Evidence of his Prophecy

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

This protection and preservation of Allah is evidence of his prophecy.

Allah says,

أَلَمۡ يَجِدۡكَ يَتِيمٗا فَـَٔاوَىٰ

[الضحي : 6].

It means,

{Did He not find you (oh Muhammad, sws) an orphan and gave you a refuge?}

[Al-Duha 93: 6]

The Prophet's father, Abdullah, died before the Prophet's birth. His mother died when he was six years old. His grandfather died when he was eight and his uncle became his guardian, protecting him and keeping the unbelievers from harming him until the Prophet (sws) reached the age of forty, when he started his mission. His uncle's death years later was a major turning point in the
Prophet (sws) life.

• After the death of Abu Talib, the ignorant and foolish people of Quraish increasingly did things to harm the Prophet (sws). So, Allah    ordered him to emigrate. He even helped him to escape right before their eyes. He went to Medina where the Ansar (his companions      in Medina) protected and supported him, fighting by his side until victory was granted and the message spread. Now we have a     ئquestion: why all of this preservation and care from Allah to His prophet, Muhammad (sws)?

• That is because he was the Prophet of Allah, the last of all prophets and messengers. Out of this care and preservation, Allah educated and trained His prophet (sws) well. The Prophet grew up an orphan, however everyone testified to his refined manners, pleasant temper, generosity and good behavior.

• They praised his trustworthiness, virtue, honesty and good upbringing. Who provided him with this education and value system, though he lost his parents as a child? No one but Allah.

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