The Testimony of Scientists

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

Scientists in different fields have testified to the message of Muhammad (sws)and that he truly is the Prophet of Allah.

Here we present some of the scientists who have testified that Muhammad (sws) is the last of all prophets and messengers:

1 - The Canadian, Keith Moore, chairman of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Toronto in Canada and director of the American and Canadian Union for the Study of Anatomy and Embryonics wrote a book entitled, The Developing Human, which was translated into eight languages and won a prize for best book written by a single author. Thanks be to Allah, that book has now been printed in various editions with Islamic appendices, under the title, The Developing Human with Islamic Additions, and it has found its way back to the hands of scientists. Keith Moore is a prominent embryologist, so when he saw the numerous verses corresponding to the detailed development of a fetus, he declared his opinion clearly, stating that this evidence was unequivocally sent to Muhammad (sws) by Allah. This stands as evidence that Muhammad (sws) was the Prophet of Allah.
2 – Julie Simpson, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University in Chicago.
3 – T. Vidhya Persaud: former chair of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Manitoba in Canada. He is a prominent writer on obstetric morbidity.

  They were greatly interested in two lectures about the Prophet (sws) that discussed sperm.

  Oh Allah, today man can see in statistics that what the Prophet (sws) said was inspiration from Allah. The human shape of the fetus is not decided until the seventh week, which is forty nights as the Prophet (sws) told us.

  The Second Hadith:

The Prophet (sws) said,

(إن أحدكم يُجمع خلقه فى بطن أمه أربعين يوما)

رواه البخارى

"Verily, the creation of one of you is assembled in his mother's womb in forty days."

[Related by al-Bukhari]

In this noble hadith, the Prophet (sws) points to the period in which man can be created in the womb of his mother. But in the first hadith, he points to the formation of sperm and the creation of hearing.

This noble verse means that man is found with all his innate qualities in the sperm cell. The color of the hair and the skin is decided by the genes which are carried by the chromosomes of the sperm cell.
• After deliberate study, it was first declared at a conference that religion can successfully lead science.
• This proves that the Quran is the Word of Allah.
• The second gave the following comment: "Muhammad (sws), who made amazing scientific declarations, could not have known them by chance; rather, it could only have been inspiration that led him to this information."

   3 - Tagathat Tagason, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Chiang Mai University in Thailand: After studying the miracles of the Holy Quran for two years, he stood at a conference explaining that there are amazing, exciting modern scientific facts that are found in the Quran, the Book of Allah. He ended his speech by saying that this really does prove that Muhammad (sws) received the verses of the Quran from the Glorious Creator, Who knows everything. He added that it was time to declare that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (sws) is the Messenger of Allah. He added, "Now I am a Muslim."

4 - The former Canadian mathematician and Christian missionary, Dr. Gary Miller said, "I was attracted to this religion because of the clarity of its faith, which I could not find in any other religion."

One day, he intended to read the Quran searching for mistakes to support his position when inviting Muslims to Christianity. He expected to find an old book, written fourteen centuries ago and talking about the desert or something like that. Surprisingly, he found a book that includes issues not found in any other book in the world.

He expected to find mention of the difficulties the Prophet (sws) faced during his lifetime, such as the death of his wife Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), or his sons and daughters, but he did not find anything like that.

He was astonished to find an entire chapter called, "Maryam," which honored the Virgin Mary (peace be upon her). He did not find this honor in any of the Christians' books of the Bible. At the same time, he did not find any chapter called Aisha or Fatima (the Prophet's wife and daughter, respectively, may Allah be pleased with them).

He also found that the name, Jesus (sws), was mentioned 25 times in the Holy Quran, while the name of Muhammad (sws) was mentioned only four times. This was clear proof to him that the Holy Quran was revealed by Allah.

   5- Vincent Monteil said, 

"The Holy Quran has made Christian history clear to me. The first Christians were not far from the Islamic concept when they stated that Jesus (peace be upon him) was not God. There was only one council—the First Council of Nicea—held in the year 325 CE, that stated that Christ was God."

This statement was issued by the majority of a single vote, without whhi Christ's identity could have been preserved as human in Christianity as it is in Islam.

6 - Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss) said,

"I was astonished when I saw that the prayer includes ritual movements. I asked the imam, 'Do you really think that Allah Almighty wants you to show your belief by repeating these sets of kneeling and prostration? Would it not be better for you to look into your soul and pray to Allah quietly in your heart?' He answered, 'What other means do you think there is of worshipping Allah? Didn't Allah create the body and the soul together?'"

He continued to explain the significance of the movements in the prayer, and this was my first step towards embracing Islam.

More and more scientists from different disciplines have born witness to the final prophet, his message and the trustworthiness of his prophecy. Muhammad (sws) is the last of all prophets and messengers. The Holy Quran that was revealed by Allah is the miracle that will remain until the Last Day as a witness for that honest prophet.

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