The Testimony of Western Intellectuals

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

In our modern age, some of the greatest, most knowledgeable people have praised the message of Muhammad (sws). Here are a few of their testimonies:

1 - Alphonse de Lamartine (d. 1869), who was a French historian, politician and writer and was instrumental in the founding of the Second French Republic, wrote about Muhammad that he was wise philosopher, an eloquent orator, an enlightening messenger, a brave warrior and a great thinker. He was successful in his ideas and his instructions. He built a strong and united spiritual empire. If we wanted to search for a great man with all of these tremendous human qualities, we would find no one but Muhammad (sws).

2 - Leonardo Da Vinci said that no one on this earth truly knew his God well as Muhammad (sws). The son of the Arabian Peninsula devoted his entire life to worshipping Allah, with strong faith and noble purpose. This is of no doubt. Muhammad (sws) was the greatest of all mankind and the greatest man to have lived on the face of the earth since the dawn of creation.

3 - The English orientalist, Thomas Arnold (b. 1864, d. 1930) said in his book, The Preaching of Islam, that Muhammad (sws) held temporal power like any other leader, but for one difference: that the religious bonds between Muslims held the same power as the ties of blood and family. Thus, Islam became a political system as much as a religious one. As the Prophet spread the new religion, he set up a new, completely distinct political system. His efforts were successful in getting his people to believe in the oneness of Allah and to destroy the old system of parochial rule. He uprooted the aristocratic, tribalistic system, in which one family would control all aspects of public affairs.

Other prominent intellectuals have praised Muhammad (sws), for example:

1 – Samuel Johnson (b. 1822, d. 1882), in Oriental Religions, a work in three volumes
   2 - The English historian and orientalist, Sir William Muir (d. 1905), in his book, A Life of
   Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira (1858-1862), 4 vols.
   3 - The English philosopher, Thomas Carlyle (b. 1795, d. 1881), in his book, On Heroes,
   Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History, in which he mentions the Prophet (sws).
   4 - The Russian philosopher and novelist, Leo Tolstoy (b. 1828, d. 1910)
   5 – Alfred Wilhelm Martin, in his book, Great Religious Teachers of the East
   6 - Bernard Shaw

Many others also lauded the last of the prophets and messengers (peace be upon them).

  From Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition:

• Muhammad (sws) was one of the greatest and most successful religious figures of all time. He emerged as a prophet among the Arabs at a time when their society was on the verge of collapse. They had no revered religious teachings, no civil, political or social principles, no art or science to be proud of, and no contact with the outer world. They were fragmented, without link; each tribe was an independent entity, constantly in conflict with its neighbors. Judaism had tried to provide them with guidance, but it could
not, and the Christians had tried and failed, too, as had all previous efforts at reform. But Prophet Muhammad (sws), was sent with right guidance for the whole world, and he was able in just a few years to pluck out every rotten habit from the Arabian Peninsula. He raised them from lowly idol worshippers to the purity of monotheism. He guided the sons of the Arabs who were half-barbarian to the path of truth and righteousness. Thus, they became callers to right guidance after they had been callers to idolatry and corruption. Then they scattered to the four corners of the earth, working to raise high the Word of Allah.

                                                            Muhammad (sws) truly is the Prophet of Allah.

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