Al-Kāfi (The All-Sufficient)

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Jābir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We took part in the Battle of Najd along with the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and when the time for the afternoon rest approached while he was in a valley with plenty of thorny trees, he dismounted under a tree and rested in its shade and hung his sword (on it). The people dispersed amongst the trees seek ing shade.

While we were in that state, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) called us and we came and found a Bedouin sitting in front of him. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘This one came to me while I was asleep, and he took my sword stealthily.

I woke up while he was standing at my head, holding my sword unsheathed. He said: “Who will save you from me?” I replied:

“Allah.” So, he sheathed it and sat down, and here he is.’ The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) did not punish him.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri and Muslim]

Allah Almighty says:{Is Allah not sufficient for His slave?...}

[Surat az - Zumar: 36]

{Is Alla h not sufficient for His slave?...}

[Surat az - Zumar: 36]

Our Lord,Exalted be He, is sufficient for His servants as He provides for them, protects them, and sets aright their affairs. So, He grants them sufficiency, which is general sufficiency that applies to all creation.

As for His special sufficiency, He gives it to those who rely upon Him and turn to Him in belief and repentance.

This sufficiency is broad as Allah Almighty says:

{Is Allah not sufficient for His slave? Yet they frighten you with those [whom they worship] besides Him. Whoever Allah causes to stray, there is none to guide him.}

[Surat az - Zumar: 36]

He also says:

{...Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him...}

[Surat at - Talāq: 3]

That means He grants him sufficiency in all his worldly and religious affairs.An aspect of His sufficiency that He granted His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and the believers is that He supported them with angels and granted them victory:

{...To Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and earth...}

[Surat al - Fat - h: 4]

And He says:

{Yes, if you stay patient and fear Allah, and the enemy should launch a surprise attack on you, your Lord will help you with five thousand marked angels.}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 125]

{Is Allah not sufficient for His slave? Yet they frighten you with those [whom they worship] besides Him. Whoever Allah causes to stray, there is none to guide him.}

[Surat az - Zumar: 36]

He also says:

{...Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him...}

[Surat at - Talāq: 3]

That means He grants him sufficiency in all his worldly and religious affairs.

An aspect of His sufficiency that He granted His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and the believers is that He supported them with angels and granted them victory: 

{...To Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and earth...}

[Surat al - Fat - h: 4]

And He says:

{Yes, if you stay patient and fear Allah, and the enemy should launch a surprise attack on you, your Lord will help you with five thousand marked angels}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 125]

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